Special Conference on Domestic Affairs
About SCDA
The Special Conference on Domestic Affairs (SCDA) is a unique committee, the very first of its kind, that is responsible for debating a global issue regarding sustainability and ultimately finding a way to implement a solution to this issue on the local level, starting with El Gouna. EGIMUN will be partnering with an environmental NGO in order to implement such solutions.
Rules of Procedure
Delegates in the SCDA will be representing themselves instead of countries, seeing as they will be proposing solutions based on their personal perspectives and research. The structure of debate is similar to that of the Security Council where clause-by-clause is debated. There will be three separate periods of debate: Education & Awareness, Direct Action, and Prevention. During each period, delegates will be proposing solutions on the respective topic. For more detailed rules of procedure, click here.
Issue on the Agenda
Click on the issue for the issue report.
1. Protecting endangered marine life by eliminating illegal activity in marine ecosystems
Meet the Chairs
Amina Al Saadany
SCDA Assistant President
Karim El Shahawy
SCDA President
Adam Salem
SCDA Assistant President